Upcoming Event: Partners in Care with an East Coast Flair Summit
IWK Health, Halifax, NS
Nov 14-16
The IWK NICU is proud to share that our Parent Partner Program turned 10 this year!
To celebrate this milestone, we are shining the spotlight on IWK Health’s top-tier NICU care initiatives. Our keynote speaker is internationally recognized and sought after superstar Marsha Campbell- Yeo. The celebration is being planned by a group of Parent Partners, highlighting the cutting edge initiatives that matter to families, as a true labour of love. Think Quality Improvement meets heart connection.
Healthcare providers and families, you’ll want to join us if you have an interest in building a Parent Partner Program and in shifting the paradigm of care towards true partnerships. Get ready for interactive learning sessions and juicy discussions that promise to elevate our knowledge together! Limited spots available!
(Questions? More information? Please email leah.whitehead@iwk.nshealth.ca for details)**
A little background:
The IWK Parent Partner Program has been proud to grow a trauma-informed peer support program in and after NICU, to bring the family voice to many unit committees, policies, career search panels, research projects and we’ve offered a space and place for post-NICU families to heal following their NICU experience. We currently have over 50 parents and grandparents who have participated in our orientation and who give back to NICU in a volunteer capacity. We have a growing list of over 350 families who have made themselves available to give feedback in various NICU projects to help provide a better care experience for those in NICU after them.