"My son’s pregnancy was a complete roller coaster from start to finish. After sadly losing one of our twins during my pregnancy, 5 weeks later, Ben made a very sudden entrance into the world at 27+1 weeks. The world of NICU took us by complete surprise but, thankfully, Ben had a relatively smooth journey and came home after 2 months and 3 days. He’s now a happy and healthy 5 year old which we’re so grateful for.
For his 1st birthday, I wrote him a story to explain his start in life in a child friendly way. I’ve since been privileged to turn By The Time You Came Home into a keepsake children’s story book. Something that’s really helped me to process everything we went through. It’s been a great comfort to have something positive come out of what we experienced and I now hope other preemie families can enjoy sharing it together too."
Sarah, mom