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Preterm Labour: Early Indicators, Expectations & Resources for Parents

If you’ve found yourself here, you’ve likely been told you may deliver early, or you’ve already welcomed your little one ahead of schedule. We want you to know that you’re not alone. Our community is here to walk this journey with you—offering support,information, understanding, and hope. 

Learn the Signs, What to Expect

  • What is RSV?
    Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a virus that causes cold and flu-like illness. For most healthy adults, RSV might feel like a cold. But RSV in babies and young children can be more serious.
  • How common is RSV in babies?
    RSV is very common in babies and children. Almost all babies and children will have had an RSV infection by the time they are 2. RSV is most common in the fall and winter months.
  • How do babies get RSV?
    The RSV virus spreads through droplets produced by coughs and sneezes. The most common way we get sick from RSV is by touching our nose, eyes and mouth with germs on our hands. RSV can live on surfaces for many hours. Premature babies are especially at risk of RSV because they have trouble fighting infections.
  • Can I prevent my baby from getting RSV?
    Most babies and young children will get RSV sometime during the first two years of life. It is important to protect all babies, especially premature babies, from RSV as best we can during their first winter. Here are some ways you can help prevent your baby from getting RSV: Always wash your hands with soap and water before you touch your baby. Wash your hands after you blow your nose, sneeze, or cough. Do not smoke or let others smoke around your baby or in your home. Keep your baby away from anyone who is sick. If you are sick, do not kiss your baby. Keep your baby away from crowded places such as daycare centers, shopping malls, and large family gatherings. Ask your healthcare provider if your baby should get RSV prevention medicine
  • How sick can my baby get from RSV?
    RSV will cause a bad cold for most babies. Some babies will get very sick from RSV. Babies born very prematurely, with breathing problems, certain heart problems or other medical conditions, are at the highest risk of getting very sick. RSV can cause pneumonia and bronchiolitis, serious lung and airway complications. If this happens, most babies need to be admitted to the hospital, and some need oxygen or breathing help.
  • What are the signs and symptoms of RSV in babies?
    Some babies with RSV will only have cold symptoms like a runny nose. Other symptoms of RSV include: Fever Cough Problems with breathing (fast breathing or working hard to breathe) Whistling or wheezing noise when breathing Trouble feeding
  • What should I do if my baby gets sick with a cold?
    Always call your baby's healthcare provider if your baby seems sick, is not eating well, is irritable, and has a runny nose If your baby has a fever or a cough, go to the hospital If your baby looks blue, has difficulty breathing, or stops breathing, call 911

Resources for Families Facing Preterm Labour

You are not alone. Many organizations offer resources and support to help you navigate preterm labour and premature birth:

One of the first gifts you can give to your baby is colostrum. Many units are now encouraging mothers to hand-express colostrum as soon as possible after birth, in order to give babies that immune-boosting ‘liquid gold” as soon as possible. If you are part of a high-risk program, ask them about early hand expression and pumping. Learn more about the technique from a leading clinician in this field, Dr. Rebecca Hoban.

If you want to learn more about the people you’ll meet in the NICU, and about some of the new words you’ll hear, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre offers a Who’s Who in the NICU and a Glossary on their website.

Being informed about preterm labour can help you recognize the signs early and take action to protect your health and your baby’s well-being. By understanding the risks, symptoms, and available resources, you can better prepare for any challenges that may arise during your pregnancy.


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Thanks to our sponsor AstraZeneca for supporting the redesign of this website.


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Etobicoke, ON. M8X1Y3
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