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Woman on her Tablet

Offering education that matters to you.

CPBF believes that education is essential to enable parents to feel confident and comfortable to parent their baby (babies), in the NICU and beyond. 


We work closely with researchers, clinicians and past NICU parents to ensure all our materials are current and evidence-based (proven). 

For Health Care Professionals

There are many ways to connect with others in the community, information and education.

Join us on Social Media!

Follow us on Facebook!

You'll find other preemie parents, supporters, educators, educational materials, activities, relevant news, and events.

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Join our Private Facebook Group:

Canadian Preemie Parent Support Network

Simply send a request to join. Share stories, concerns, resources in a comfortable online community with other parents like you. This group is facilitated.

Real Time Drop-In Peer Zoom Group

Every Thursday at 12pm EST, join preemie parent Kate Robson as she hosts. Contact us for a link, and meeting code. 

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Thanks to our sponsor AstraZeneca for supporting the redesign of this website.


4225B Dundas St W,  
Etobicoke, ON. M8X1Y3
Charitable registration number 801837287RR0001


Contact us

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CPBF strives to be sensitive and responsive and welcoming to everybody. If there is a misuse of language or terminology, please let us know in a professional and constructive manner.

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